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Date anyone?

I hate dating, I absolutely despise it.

Now this is nothing on my modern day dating post, oh no. This is entirely why I am just terrible at it and it sends me into a spin.

After numerous discussions, I decided that I surely can’t be the only person like this?

It’s odd I get it & everyone who ever has the delight of opening up this can of worms with me, has always marveled at how one minute, I’m a functioning member of society, then without fair warning I turn into a turtle, wishing the closest person to me, will make a huge scene and I will be able to then recuperate and move on from this conversation entirely, before the sordid “what, you! You’re so confident & charismatic” etc. etc. blah blah blah, the ramblings go on.

And cheers love-ies, but that means diddly squat at the time of the apocalypse which is completely in running with how I feel about dating.

However, I digress. I am, a loud, fast talking, easily excited, female, that for some deluded reason, when on a date has all her worst attributes come flooding to the surface and even my best then become so overstimulated, I turn into a clumsy, generally tipsy, very loud, rambling, high pitched thing. That if she manages to actually not trip over, and successfully manages to make it through at least the entrée without spilling something on her, and heaven forbid not laughing, and anyone who knows me, knows that me getting the giggles is not at all appealing, we still have to deal with the fact that I am probably talking far too loudly, with my hands nonetheless and not coming across at all, even slightly charming, alluring or delightful. DRATS!

It’s a nightmare, and I honestly must congratulate the wonderful little gems who’ve had the pleasure of these evenings, again – I am sorry!

Now don’t get me wrong, I like the before the date part, talking to a person, getting to know them, actually even getting ready, I even don’t mind the after, couple of weeks down the track, months, whatever! But dear god the actually act of dating itself! ICK – I have goosebumps as I type about it.

Yeah, I know I get it, I’ve heard all the remarks, truly I have. But I just can’t believe I am the only one out there! Alas though I do fear we may have fairly dwindling numbers, however if you also are as totally socially awkward as I am on the dating scene, raise your glass (alcoholic of course) and cheers to us darlings, I’m sure we’ll get there eventually. I hope. xEx

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